We Keep Animals Out of Shelters!
Pets should stay with their loving families especially when their people fall on hard times. We help by providing life-saving food, supplies, and special grants for emergency veterinary care.
Hand & Paw is managed completely by volunteers (there are no paid employees). That means 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly toward our mission of helping pets and owners in need! Thank you for your love and support!

6.5 million companion pets arrive at shelters nationwide every year.
We are passionate about helping loving owners keep and care for their pets in times of need.
How We Help
Our programs help to keep animals out of shelters and with loving owners by providing life-saving food, supplies, and special grants for emergency veterinary care.
We serve as a safety net organization offering temporary assistance to loving pet families experiencing a financial crisis and struggling to properly feed their pets.
Hand & Paw’s Pet Life Grant program is designed to provide financial assistance for necessary lifesaving and life-altering veterinarian care/expenses for loving pet owners who cannot afford the expense.
Hand & Paw was born out of the love for animals coupled with the desire to bless loving pet owners within the community. We understand the love and bond between owner and pet, so we actively work to bless those struggling financially to care for their pet via our safety net support services.
We believe that no loving pet owner should have to choose between nourishment and care for themselves vs. their beloved pet, and so we feel blessed to be able to help those in need.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization based in Idaho, operated entirely by pet and people-loving volunteers.
Be the hero for a pet family in need!
Make a donation today.
Hand & Paw is managed completely by volunteers (there are no paid employees). That means 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly toward our mission of helping pets and owners in need! Thank you for your love and support!